Monday, February 15, 2010

100 VISITORS!!! Yay! This is so exciting!! (:


BOO!! Annie and I just fixed some hot chocolate after coming in from the snow. We got the recipe from . The recipe called for an egg... I FOUND AN EGG YOLK IN MY HOT CHOCOLATE!!!! Ew! ..And I almost drank it!!! While Annie was fixing the hot chocolate, we both were thinking, "This doesn't sound right..." but we tried it anyway. I THINK I AM GOING TO DIE FROM SALMONELLA!! ):

p.s: post in the comment box how you think it would taste, and what you think is going to happen to me... ):

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Yo PeOpLeZ!!

What's up peoplezzz?? OK, anywayz I want to azk you a Q, aka queztion. Thiz iz for anybody out here... it izzz: do you like cheeze?! Well, tell me in the comment box... PEAZZZ OUT!!!!!!!!!! (lol)

[and bye the way.. "z'z" are awesome!! ]