Sunday, June 19, 2011


I'm so Sorry that there is not a Father's day theme! I hope you enjoy my new theme now. :)


Saturday, June 18, 2011

4th of July! & more :)

As you know, The 4th of July is coming up so in honor of the "birth" of our country, I am going to have a 4th of July banner, background, funny buttons and blinkies it's going to be awesome! I will be doing this on the 25th, one week from now, also I'll be doing a Father's Day thing then on the 21st, a.k.a first day of summer, I'll change back to summer theme. That was hard to type! hehe :) Well tomorrow it started don't miss out on all the fun. Seriously if I do this for nothing...just kidding! Hope you come and see it's going to be AWESOME!! :)

CIAO!! ♥

Sweet Summertime! :)

You might be wondering what I'm so PUMPED (love that word!) about... Okay, okay! I'll tell you already :) (pause for dramatic effect...) SUMMER! ...which you probably knew that but, you didn't know that MY BIRTHDAY IS IN AUGUST! Which is part of SUMMER WHICH I AM TOTALLY PUMPED ABOUT!! You would not know that unless you've been reading my emails which I advise you not to do because there is some scary stuff in there!! ;) Well in the comment box write what your favorite thing to do in the summer is, and also comment if you like my new banner and background ♥

CIAO!! :)