Saturday, July 23, 2011

Best day ever!!! :)

Today my cousin, aunt, and uncle came and visited and swam! They also will be spending the night with us. :) My cousin is Thomas, you can learn more about him at his blog, and "boysrock" that can be found at Visit his blogs! :) I highly recommend you visit it. ♥


Thursday, July 21, 2011


I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER! ♥ ♥ And I would like to say something, it is perfectly fine to not be a fan of Justin BUT it's definately NOT okay to say mean things about him! Because you should NEVER hate anybody! & Guys, you all are just jealous becuase you can't get his GOEGEOUS hair ;)


{ Rachel ♥ Justin }

(: rms *&* jdb :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

So sorry!

I'm super duper sorry that I didn't post my 4th of July thingy. You know how busy it is during the holiday! Super duper sorry, once again!

Peace, Love, & Hugs! ♥ Ciao. :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I'm so Sorry that there is not a Father's day theme! I hope you enjoy my new theme now. :)


Saturday, June 18, 2011

4th of July! & more :)

As you know, The 4th of July is coming up so in honor of the "birth" of our country, I am going to have a 4th of July banner, background, funny buttons and blinkies it's going to be awesome! I will be doing this on the 25th, one week from now, also I'll be doing a Father's Day thing then on the 21st, a.k.a first day of summer, I'll change back to summer theme. That was hard to type! hehe :) Well tomorrow it started don't miss out on all the fun. Seriously if I do this for nothing...just kidding! Hope you come and see it's going to be AWESOME!! :)

CIAO!! ♥

Sweet Summertime! :)

You might be wondering what I'm so PUMPED (love that word!) about... Okay, okay! I'll tell you already :) (pause for dramatic effect...) SUMMER! ...which you probably knew that but, you didn't know that MY BIRTHDAY IS IN AUGUST! Which is part of SUMMER WHICH I AM TOTALLY PUMPED ABOUT!! You would not know that unless you've been reading my emails which I advise you not to do because there is some scary stuff in there!! ;) Well in the comment box write what your favorite thing to do in the summer is, and also comment if you like my new banner and background ♥

CIAO!! :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Whoops! I'm forgetful sometimes :)

On my last post, be SURE that the eggs you decorate are HARD-BOILED! Okay? If you didn't, that would be REALLY BAD! ALSO I WOULD USE THEM ONLY FOR DECORATION! :)


Hello peoples! Today im going to tell you an idea for an easter egg! :)

I would make a bunny one which probably you've already made, so instead, we are making crazy random eggs! Enjoy :) (You might want to wear glasses 'cause what your about to see is extremly awesome!)

First egg is called "DIVING DUDE!" (Pretty cool, right?)

First you paint, or color (with marker), the bottom of the egg for swimming trunks; it's a boy. :)Then put a rubber band around the middle-ish part of the egg,

Next put a bottle cap on the rubber band a hot glue it there, Then cut a straw in half and hot glue it to look like a snorkel,

Next take some paper and cut it to look like flipper for a diver,

And last but not least, (well, kinda.) take a Sharpie, and make eyes on the bottle cap.

Well I'll tell you other egg ideas later. :) PEACE!

Hummingbird Nests!

So as I said, here is another Easter recipe. It's called Hummingbird Nests :)

1 cup of chocolate chips
1 cup of shredded coconut
Jelly Beans


Melt the chocolate chips. When they are melted, then stir in coconut. Take a tablespoon of the mixture and put it on cookie sheets.

While the nests are warm, use your thumbs to poke an impression in the middle of each, when they cool fill them with jellybeans.

This recipe makes about a dozen.

Enjoy! :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Potter Puppet Pals: The Mysterious Ticking Noise

An AWESOME Easter Recipe!

Listen up! Easter is coming up, and I wanted to share some really yummy recipes. :)


A cupcake (of your choice)
White icing
Shredded coconut
Pink sugar
Jelly beans
Sweet Tarts
Large marshmallow
Mini marshmallows


Frost a cupcake with white icing and sprinkle on sheredded coconut (FUR!)

Cut a large marshmallow in half, then decorate it with pink sugar. Thats your ear! Do that for the other half, too.

Add a jelly bean nose and sweet tart eyes and mini marshmallows for cheeks. Use decorator's gel for the pupils and nostrils, if you like. :)

Hope you enjoy! :) Later, I hope to give you more recipes!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So I'm going to have a poll you can answer in the comment box...AND IF YOU DON'T VOTE I DO NOT CARE :) as I was saying here is the poll.

What is your favorite thing to do at Easter? :)

A. Hunt eggs

B. Go to church

C. EAT :))

D. Visit Family

Hope you do my poll! Happy Easter everybody. :)


Saturday, February 12, 2011


People really are AWESOME! Just watch this video for proof. :) and ENJOY!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Hey guys!! I just got the awesome new gadget, and it's called DIGG!! It's kinda like Yahoo and Google. You can search stuff like sports to entertainment, to anything. Everybody needs to check it out. CHEESE OUT!


The post that I just posted has all the info you need. Just copy that post and send it to all your friends....IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR FACEBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

****UPDATE**** EVERYONE I JUST LEARNED THAT THIS WAS A SCAM. IT IS NOT TRUE! My friend Annie has gotten this message many times and she told me it is not true. So just ignore it! CHEESE OUT! ☺

Friday, January 14, 2011

Snow Paridise

Snow, snow, snow!! We all scream for snow! I'm lovin the snow. Reason 1 : I JUST LOVE SNOW! ☺ Reason 2 : It means no SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As you no I'm not a big fan of school so being out is awesome. But the down side is we only have 3 snow days left, and being out all week took off 5 snow days! :( So if we use them all up we have to stay later in the summer! But I'm lovin snow paradise!!! ☺ CHEESE OUT!!!!! ☺

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Merry Late Christmas

Merry Late Christmas sorry that I didn't post sooner. And sorry this post is so short peas out!